State and Local Disclosures

Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, District of Columbia, Idaho, Illinois, Louisiana, Missouri, Minnesota, Texas, Wisconsin Drivers.

  1. You can access PCONN App’s Certificates of Insurance, including specific coverage limits, at ____________
  2. Your personal insurance policy may not provide any coverage, including liability coverage, collision physical damage coverage, comprehensive physical damage coverage, uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage, personal injury protection, or medical payments coverage while you are using your vehicle in connection with the PCONN App’s Platform or software application, either while logged in to the network or engaged in a prearranged ride, depending on its terms.
  3. If your vehicle has a lien against it, providing Transportation Network Company (TNC) services might violate the terms of your contract with the lienholder.

Chicago, Colorado, DC, Louisiana, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Texas, Virginia, and Wisconsin Drivers

  1. PCONN App prohibits discrimination or refusal of service based on the point of departure or destination of a passenger.

Pennsylvania Drivers

  1. You can access PCONN App’s Certificates of Insurance, including specific coverage limits, at: __________.
  2. PCONN App will provide you with a notice explaining whether it provides insurance to repair your personal vehicle if you have an accident when using your vehicle in a Transportation Network. If PCONN App does not provide coverage for damage to your car, your personal automobile insurance policy might not provide the coverage and you may be required to pay all costs to repair the vehicle yourself in the event of an accident unless you purchase extra insurance. If you financed the purchase of the vehicle or lease the vehicle, you must notify your lender or lessor that you will use your vehicle to provide Transportation Network Service. Your lender or lessor may require you to purchase extra insurance coverage or, if you do not do so, may purchase insurance on your behalf and bill you for the costs of the policy. The failure to notify a lender or lessor or to have insurance to cover the cost of damage to the vehicle may cause your vehicle to be repossessed or your lease to be revoked. If you have questions about this Notice, you should contact your insurance agent, your lender or lessor or the Pennsylvania Insurance Department.
  3. In the event of an accident, you shall provide the proof of insurance coverage to the directly interested parties, automobile insurers and investigating police officers. You shall disclose to directly interested parties, automobile insurers and investigating policy whether you were logged into the PCONN App Platform or on a Prearranged Ride at the time of the accident.
  4. Your personal insurance might not provide any coverage while you are logged into the App. PCONN App will provide all required insurance if you do not have the type of policy required.
  5. You must notify your personal insurance that you will be using your vehicle to provide TNC services.
  6. Prior to providing TNC services, you shall review our Anti-Discrimination policy, our Service Animal policy, and our Wheelchair policy